Chill the Fuck Out

It’s time to stop taking life so fucking seriously babe

It’s time to drop the damn struggle + just surviving

It’s time to step in to PLEASURE


In to JOY

In to your mf birthright

I get it boo, after years striving, working in corporate, getting multiple degrees, winning awards, & never fucking stopping

It’s taken me years of reprogramming the hustle in to the flow (& I still have stuff come up at times for another layer of healing)

The wounded masucline in to the balanced feminine 

I’ve been reading Eat, Pray, Love lately (the book is way better than the movie btw) + I realized that it was time to add even more pleasure in to my daily life

Most days I am in that divine delicious feminine flow

But at least a couple of days a week, I still catch myself trying to rush from task to task + doing the “grind”

So I spent 3 days offline, had all the adventures, & all the super delicious foods 

Sometimes we just have to be in the fucking moment & get off the damn Internet ;) 

I enjoyed several nature walks, made orgasmic yummy homemade pizza, took my mom out to lunch for the most beautiful Thai food, had plum wine, followed by homemade chocolate truffles from the local candy store the Chocolate Tree, then went shopping for crystals 

I noticed some guilt come up around enjoying more pleasurable foods (this is something I healed a few years ago after years of eating disorders) 

And instead of judging myself, I let it go

I realized it was coming up to be healed + released (especially with the full moon in Taurus, which is all about the worldly pleasures) 

I’ve been doing even more deep sacral chakra work (pleasure + desire is what this chakra is all about), so I’ll share more soon about the power of movement + masturbation

Let me know if that’s something you’d enjoy!!! 

And also if this post resonated with you! 

And if you’re ready to see what’s blocking you from enjoying the divine pleasures + abundance in your life

It’d be the joy of my heart to have you in my new Unicorn Goddess Circle membership 

 It’s a beautiful  deep dive in to your soul's chambers, where you will free yourself & follow the call of your heart to healing + creating the life of your wildest dreams, through oracle readings from yours truly

Just reach out to inquire to see if this would be a good fit for you, or go here for info!!

Love you SOOO much!!!


Jessica BaumgardnerComment