Goddess Bootcamp ❤️
🌹❤️ This course came about because…
I created this course because after hating my body most of my life & using so many other things to fill the void I constantly felt (drinking, smoking, hooking up with the wrong guys, binge eating, etc)…
I’ve been able to completely transform my life, and now have been celibate almost 9 years (not that I don’t wanna lol trust…just haven’t found anyone worthy), rarely drink because I just don’t feel it anymore, healed eating disorders, quit smoking in my early 20s (ages ago lol), and have fallen in love with my body (most days), my life, and myself!!!
I don’t want anyone else to feel the way I felt for so many years (and even have had cycles recently) where I was just constantly so mad at myself, judging myself, and picking apart every single part of my body I disliked.
I totally get it boo, I see you, I love you, & we are in this together!!!
If you’re resonating with this, then this may be for you love, because I am here for you and want to help you feel amazing!!! YOU FUCKING DESERVE IT!!! ❤️
🌹 This is Perfect for You If You Want…
To love & accept your body no matter what it looks like
To stop forcing yourself to do shit you hate
To get out of relationships no longer serving you
To discover your inner warrior goddess & see the powerful badass bitch that you are!
To listen to your intuition & trust yourself
To fuck what others think & just do you boo
To understand spirituality
To live an abundant life!
❤️ What’s Included:
30 days of learning how love yourself & embrace the goddess you ALREADY ARE!!! (through simple quick videos)
Tools & self care practices so you can start manifesting quickly now!
Moon ritual & guides so you can learn about the cycles of manifesting & letting go
List of my fave books, meditations, & podcasts that have helped me create the abundant life I now have
Information about
How to get clear on what you want
How to ask for help
How to work towards your goals
How to have faith & trust
How to keep your vibes high
How to clear resistance that holds you back
Or watch a video about it below! (this is not part of a fitness package anymore)
🌸 Just $55 🌸
This is for the self paced version. The group is included when I run this course live :)
Pay in full here.
Payment plan here.
🌹🌺 if you sign up on a weekend, I’ll send you everything on Monday! 😘
Testimonials & questions:
If you want to hear more about results from my prior clients, go here my love!
If you have any questions, you can email me here.
And I cannot wait to help you if you’re being led 😘🌹
"For the first time in my life I found myself…”
I learned to love myself right where I am. I learned to give 0 F's. And that even when life gets hard... because it will... that there is a lesson to learn and that this to shall pass. Enjoy the good times because they will pass. And don't stay stuck in that bad times because they will pass. If someone doesn't like me it is their loss not mine because we just weren't meant to be. Whatever you think about grows. And I learned that it is possible to love someone's soul so much that you can't even see their appearance. All this because of your love Jess! I am grateful to have you and to have gone through your program. All my heart"
-Heather Saenz