The Queen Codes Retreat

I want to help you transform babe πŸ‘‘

In to the most powerful, strong, solid version of yourself!!! πŸ‘ΈπŸ»β­οΈπŸ’›

This is not a weight loss transformation story btw πŸ˜‰

I share the photos because I can see in my eyes & energy just how sad, lost, & hopeless I felt…& how I started feeling better each year as I worked on myself

This is a story of how I went from my most broken, lowest, hopeless version (circa 2021-2023)…

To unfuckingstoppable, more powerful, confident, strong, & solid in myself than I ever have in my 37 years on this planet!!! (2024-current day)

For almost 13 years, I’ve been helping my clients transform their life πŸ™πŸ»

I’ve helped people transform their bodies (when I was a fitness coach), their business, their finances, their relationships, & most importantly their relationship with themselves πŸ’ž

I’ve gone from losing everything & being in that broken moment, to where I am now and feeling this fucking amazing despite any outward circumstances 😍

Like how much money I make, what’s in my bank account, how β€œfit” I am, if I’m single, or any of that bullshit we are taught by society to deem whether or not we are successful ✌🏻

Because I went from β€œhaving it all” & once I lost it (making 6 figures, being debt free, living all over the world, etc)…I lost all my power & confidence

Because I was tying it to the wrong thing

We get to define success differently love

Yes we get to have all those things, AND feel fucking powerful & amazing no matter what

You see I don’t play by the fucking rules around here πŸ˜‰

In fact when I stopped playing by the rules, that’s when my business had a massive shift after a drought

I recently actually did lose a lot of weight without even trying & not restricting food or anything

Again not a fitness story lol, it’s just a perfect example of what happens when we let go of all the fucking rules

I’ve used & learned so many tools that have helped me get to this point of POWER, radical SELF LOVE. & strength…

And I want to pay it forward to YOU!!!

Coming Spring Equinox is the Queen Codes Retreat!!!!
πŸ’žπŸŒΈ Sunday, March 23rd at 1pm EST! πŸ’žπŸŒΈ

Learn things like:

🌹 How to tap in to YOUR most confident powerful version

🌹 How to love yourself unconditionally & heal your shit

🌹 How to alchemize all the shit you’ve been through in to your mf good

🌹 How to tap in to your feminine energy with your intuition & psychic abilities

🌹 How to feel confident in your sensuality, emotions, & in being your authentic self

🌹 How to tap in to your psychic abilities, navigate your spiritual awakening, & fun rituals for manifestation & healing!!!

& so much more!!! So fucking excited!!! πŸ˜†πŸ˜†πŸ˜†

I’m going to be hosting events & retreats again this year, & this will be like a sneak peek in to that work!!πŸ”₯

You can signup below if you want to sign up right fucking now & energetically claim & declare this new version of you!!!

Bc life is short babes & you deserve to feel your best

And that’s not a sales tactic, it’s because I fucking love you & have been through so much pain & trauma…I don’t want you to have to go through what I’ve been through any longer!! πŸ₯°

I want to be here to help you so you know you’re not alone πŸ€—

I love you so fucking much

And even if you’re not interested, I hope my story of my rebirth gave you some inspiration & hope today

πŸ’ž This has been canceled…but come back to my WWME soon for updates on what’s next ;)

2021-2024 on the left (before) to current πŸ’žπŸŒΉ

Jessica BaumgardnerComment