Let Your Mess Be Your Message

I’m sharing this because I feel someone out there who’s about to give up hope needs today πŸ’œ

Let your mess be your message

Parts of your life that aren’t in alignment are just being removed

Sometimes this process can feel so painful, believe me I get it beautiful soul

But just surrender and let it all fall away

Not all storms come to disrupt your life, some come to clear the path

Get ready for all you’ve ever desired to be yours

You deserve this

You’re ready

Just let go, surrender, and trust

Your breakthrough and miracle is right there, please don’t give up now

You’ve come too far to give up

The world needs you

I love you and believe in you!!!

This is a poem I channeled from my angels that I know I also needed today, so I hope it touches your heart as much as it touched mine

Let me know below if you needed this today!


Bri Long